
DANCE BREAK!!! Yanis Marshall & Brian Friedman, “Breathe On Me”


So I’m sure you all remember the last dance break I showcased, and how I mentioned my love for bevys of bad b*tches…but there’s one thing that matches sexy girls almost toe to toe – guys in heels! Up-and-coming French ingenue Yanis Marshall teamed up with seasoned veteran Brian Friedman to choreograph a fire-hot heels combination to one of my favorite Britney Spears song, “Breathe On Me.” Yanis’ claim to fame is his fun, feminine choreo which he usually performs in sky-high platform heels, while Brian has danced & choreographed for every big name in the book – Britney, Janet, Justin Bieber, EVERYBODY. Put them together and you get this little gem that might leave you clutching your pearls. I’m a big fan of both men’s choreo, and although I don’t feel the combo is either of their best work (check these out here and here), it’s definitely a KILLER.


dance break!!! kyle hanagami choreography, “i don’t care”


Do I have your attention???
Good. now watch this.

As you know, I love me a bevy of bad b*tches werkin, so Kyle Hanagami’s “I Don’t Care” choreo demo is  the dance break for today!  Filled with 4 sexy ladies dancing in the street regaling the fact that they don’t give a damn about you so they burned your clothes to ashes and crashed their car and they don’t careeeeeeeee!!!! I just love the fun and frivolity of it all as well as Kyle’s dynamic, ultra-feminine choreo.  Each dancer adds their own flair and life to the movement, filling the video with lots of replay value to see each girl’s style; not to mention the sizzling carwash edit smack in the center of the dancing! Kyle Hanagami is a choreographer of admiral repute who based out of LA and recently started a YouTube series in late 2013 called “Making Moves”, which chronicles the everyday lives of Hanagami and his friends who appear in most of his choreo videos he creates. He’s amassed a following (me included) because of his style and versatility. Check out “Making Moves” on Kyle’s YT page and peep his other demos there too!


dance break!!! enra, “primitive”

Today’s dance break feature is Enra, a dance company based in Japan that fuses elements of technology, dance, and performance art. The result is a breathtaking visual experience that captures your attention and imagination. A company of only 5 members of diverse training (one was the Green Power Ranger!) and led by Director/ Visual Artist Nobuyuki Hanabusa, the Tokyo-based company dances in sync to a computer-generated projection of balls, spheres, lines, and curves racing across the screen, giving the illusion that their movement creates the effects. After a friend shared one of their pieces on Facebook, I was captured by the visuals, which are very similar to how my mind interprets movement. Immediately interested, I delved into researching the company and their pieces, which range from fun (“Primitive”, below) and dramatic (“Beginning”) to serene (“Pleiades”) and epic (“Fuma-kai”). With music groups like Perfume and performers like Beyoncé taking advantage of it, the advent of projection technology as well as its use in everyday culture is beginning to start the trend of much more multi-media specific performance pieces. It’ll be interesting to see who will be the next to innovate this technology into a commonplace performance media.

Check out Enra on the offical site here and learn more about their director and his works here.


dance break!!! jonte’ & sharaya j carnival performance

If you didn’t know it, Jonte’ Moaning is the reason, the blueprint, and the damn design!!! I’m a longtime admirer of his choreography since his work with Beyoncé, and his music is nothing to play with either. Check out the rehearsal footage from his recent Carnival Choreographer’s Ball performance featuring Missy Elliot protegé Sharaya J. Both of them are dancers that make music for dancers and the choreography shows! I believe that most of it is Jonte’s choreo, but! If you were at all confused by the aspirations that I mention in my former blog post, this should clear things up. Jonte is who I want to be when I grow up! Enjoy!

p.s. Keep an eye out for Miss Danielle Polanco (cross tank and red shorts), another phenomenal dancer who serves the kids in EVERY performance.


spotlight: wayne mcgregor on TEDtalks. sheer awesomeness.

You absolutely must take a look at this video. Grab a snack and a drink and watch the whole thing.

It’s choreographer Wayne McGregor demonstrating his creative process of dancemaking and how it communicates with the viewer, with the help of two dancers who help him create a piece in real time. His process is so cool and echoes what goes in (albeit in a less intense form) in dance companies around the world. Purely fascinating.

Responses? What do you think?


taeyang’s sushi dance! my korean husband can cook!

Now usually I don’t get into these new dance crazes. In my opinion, they’re a bit silly and work my nerves, but here’s one I think I can jump behind. This is my husband Taeyang (member of Korean music group Big Bang) and his “Sushi Dance”. Inspired from Lil’ B’s “Cooking Dance” (warning…ghetto ratchetness ahead! Just jump to a section and watch), if Taeyang has swag like this while making sushi, it’s got to be the tastiest sushi in existence! Y’all don’t know nothin’ ’bout this right here! The bite at the end is the best part — Enjoy!

Makes me grin and shout like a Korean fangirl every time!